Country Hurdles
Simon Farndon
Simon Farndon
Hazel Hurdle
Hazel Hurdle

"Most uses of Hazel have been in it's round or cleft state, in old crafts that have lately almost died out - particularly that of wattle hurdle making. Many people regret the gradual passing of a lovely form of woodland, which incidentally often harbours primroses, wild anemonies, violets, bluebells and campion". Dr C Hart and C Raymond, British Trees in Colour (1973) Rainbird Reference Books Ltd.

Simon harvests all his materials from ancient Hazel coppice woodland. This both regenerates derelict under managed hazel coppice and safeguards the continued management of in-cycle coppice vital for biodiversity of plants and wildlife.
Cutting hazel on a regular 7-year cycle produces the best quality hazel suitable for wattle hurdles and in-situ woven fencing.

Based on the North Hampshire borders, Simon provides hedgelaying services and works in and around Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey and supplies hurdles locally and nationally.
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